A Creator Exists


Key Conclusions

1.      Our first key conclusion is that “something” beyond our universe had to cause our universe to be created.

2.      Science and logic has determined that our universe and planet are specifically designed for life, and  had to be created by an “intelligent being”, not just by “something”.

3.      The highly ordered system called the human body, had to be created, and by someone of incredible intelligence.

4.      The coding for the simplest cell organism is like a complete book that one can not deny reads as highly ordered and structured information.  When one observes a highly ordered structure, one concludes that structure had to be created by an intelligent being.

5.      Applying probability, science has conclusively determined that the odds of the simplest DNA book being created in any primordial soup in all the universe over 15,000,000,000 years is ........... zilch. See Footnote "6" for very intriguing discussions on the debate as to the age of Earth and our Universe. This issue is fascinating, but a overall a distracter to Real Truth.

6.      Again, the odds of the simplest cellular hardware system forming by chance is ......... zilch, and double zilch when you look at this system forming at the same time and place as the first DNA.  When one sees one highly ordered structure integrated seamlessly with another, one naturally concludes that structure had to be created by an exceptionally brilliant being.

7.      The odds of pages worth of gene mutations occurring in one generation are .......... zilch.  Adding to this impossibility, is that unfavorable mutations are also occurring, which will lead to information getting lost faster than evolution could add information to the DNA.  Applying this knowledge to the DNApages worth of differences between mankind and apes, mankind had to be intentionally created separately from any other kind of species.  

The only overall conclusion that one can arrive at is: that the Universe, Earth, Life, and Mankind each had to be created by a super intelligent and powerful being that is beyond our universe.  This being is our Creator.  The whole field of science that confirms this conclusion is called Intelligent Design7.

After now arriving at this conclusion, then the next big question is: why has not our Creator made Himself clearly know to us?  Our Creator obviously put a lot of thought and effort into making our universe, Earth, life, and specifically mankind.  It would only make natural sense then that He would attempt to communicate with us, especially in that we are the only species capable of reflecting upon His achievements.

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