Our Godly Heritage


US Founded on Bible Church & State Resource Docs Getting Involved Prophecy?

The United States is a country truly based in Christianity.  Historically, there was no separation between Christianity and State, our founding fathers just did not want government to establish or endorse any specific religion.  The following video presents our historical Christian heritage with strong evidence that cannot be brushed aside.

"America’s Godly Heritage" by David Barton; Wall Builders / P.O. Box 397 / Aledo, TX 76008 / (817) 441-6044. Truly excellent history of how our nation has gone from a Christian nation both in our legal and governmental systems, to one that has severed Christianity from government and law.

Please look into the above links as they provide interesting and enlightening information of the irrefutable Christian heritage of this wonderful nation; e.g. Lincoln's proclamation establishing Thanksgiving "as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father Who dwelleth in the heavens".

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